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5 New Dynamics in Healthcare Marketing

Delivering value to patients and decision-makers through mutual exchange

Wow, healthcare really has transformed, hasn’t it? Today’s decision-making process is far more complex, and socially informed, than it was just 10 years ago.

Numbers talk:
79% of people don’t notice marketing messages
4 in 5 trust people they’re connected with over brands

What does this mean for healthcare marketers? Two words; golden opportunity. Thanks to digital technologies, you can engage and activate your network of influence like never before, if you do it the right way—through participation.

In 5 New Dynamics in Healthcare Marketing, we discuss 5 important strategies for the future. Learn how your business can:

  1. Activate the network of influence
  2. Cut through the noise
  3. Convey the value
  4. Harness the power of mutual exchange
  5. Keep up with accelerated expectations

Learn how you can make participation marketing a real growth driver.

Download 5 New Dynamics in Healthcare Marketing Whitepaper




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