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Driving Success Through Employee Experience

In today’s dynamic work landscape, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the employee experience. When organizations provide employees with the right technology, they create a work environment that’s less stressful, more supportive, and conducive to autonomy and creativity. Microsoft Surface devices are designed to adapt seamlessly to the diverse ways people work—elevating the employee […]

Intelligent Apps Lessons Learned

See how companies are using intelligent apps to get to market faster, differentiate their products and services, and create scalable solutions. Read the e-book Intelligent Apps Lessons Learned to get an overview of what intelligent apps are—and explore real-world examples of brands that are using them successfully. Read the e-book to: Get The e-Book

CFO’s guide to planning & analysis

Perhaps the biggest lesson to come out of 2020 for businesses was the value of constantly assessing operating conditions and adjusting plans in response to changing market realities. Virtually all companies have had to establish procedures to help manage cash flows and satisfy changing customer demand in a virtual world, giving many leaders a new […]