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Grant Management Buyers Guide: The Next Evolution of Grants Management Software

The right grant management software (GMS) is essential. It underpins every aspect of grantmaking—from relationship building to application review, funds distribution, and beyond.  Yesterday’s grant management software simply doesn’t align with philanthropy’s new ethos around agility, impact measurement and user experience with transparency and accountability. Philanthropy now demands more from technology, and buyers should expect […]

A new era of government grantmaking: time for a cultural and digital transformation

Learn how embracing digital transformation and cloud-based technology can help your team tackle the biggest challenges facing government grantmaking programs. From scalability and security to equity and accessibility, this guide will help prepare you for a new path in government grantmaking. The right technology can help address some of the big issues that plague government […]

Factor Performance Analysis

During the third quarter of 2023, global equity markets lost the momentum that had propelled markets earlier in the year as it grappled with substantial challenges including rising geopolitical tensions in Ukraine and Israel as well as continued inflationary pressures on the global economy. The MSCI ACWI, while still showing a year-to-date gain of over […]