There is a demand from consumers on businesses that they must accurately report their impact on society and commit to improving social outcomes through their activities. However, for a long time, firms have struggled to achieve this. Looking to make social impact data reporting easier, Experian UK&I, the multinational consumer credit reporting agency has partnered with Impera Analytics, the data-driven solutions designed to advance social progress. 

Organisations across the UK and Ireland are eagerly trying to find ways to enhance their environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments. One way in which this can be achieved is with comprehensive social impact data. By leveraging data from the globally recognised Social Progress Index (SPI) within Experian UK&I’s ESG Insight product, businesses in the financial services sector can gain an accurate band holistic view of social progress and outcome data, helping them to develop their ESG profiles.

Experian UK&I’s ESG Insight tool already gives lenders a clear view of the financed emissions and sustainability risks hidden in a portfolio. It provides numerous sustainability and emissions attributes for more than five million SMEs, backed by Experian’s trusted business information data.

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