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Workday Enterprise Management Cloud Platform : la puissance de l’adaptabilité

Comblez le fossé de la transformation et anticipez le changement Face aux évolutions du marché, aux disruptions internationales, aux pressions concurrentielles et au rythme rapide de l’innovation technologique, les entreprises d’aujourd’hui doivent être capables de s’adapter, sous peine de se laisser distancer. Dans ce guide, découvrez comment votre organisation peut utiliser Workday Enterprise Management Cloud […]

10 Reasons to Consider Marketing Automation

More agile, more efficient, more effective marketing. Being a successful marketer means always being ready for the unexpected, but that goes beyond just having the right outlook and attitude. Your plans, strategies, and campaigns should be equipped to adapt to disruptions and changes — and it’s pretty much impossible to accommodate this manually. Enter marketing […]